Our Year 8 Scholars packed in the sights and sounds of Bath on a fantastic couple of days this week, as a celebration of finishing their exams.

After leaving Lambrook in the morning, the group managed to fit in three historical sites on the way to Bath. The first stop was at Danebury Hill Fort where pupils explored the defences that had been created by this farming community over 2,500 years ago. ‘As we climbed Danebury Hill Fort we were amazed at how you can still see how these people lived, with the village inside and walls built up around’

Next stop was at the UNESCO World Heritage site, Stonehenge, where pupils toured the incredible stone circle structures before enjoying a picnic in the fields with a view of the site. ‘When you really think about the basic tools that were available to people, then it really is unbelievable how it was constructed.

The last stop before Bath was at the Dundas Aqueduct, a scheduled Ancient Monument where pupils were able walk along the top by the narrowboats and see the River Avon below.

After arriving in Bath and exploring the YHA, the children then walked into the city and enjoyed delicious pizzas at a local restaurant with just enough time left for some games outside before bed. ‘We got our first experience of the amazing City of Bath this evening, it was so beautiful and we loved the views.’

The next day, pupils had a wonderful time touring the Roman Baths, tasting the spa water, visiting the Assembly Rooms and discovering the city’s architecture. ‘We learnt why the Georgians built in Crescents, Circles and Squares; they even incorporated Roman and Greek elements in their architecture.’

After a tour of Bath Abbey, pupils then had some free time to explore the shops and buy souvenirs on Pulteney Bridge before meeting up by the river and enjoying a chance to play in the Beazer Garden Maze.

‘Some of the highlights for me were my teacher’s tour around Bath, I learnt so much more about this beautiful city, and of course getting to play 40 40 altogether.Year 8 Pupil

Waking up to a downpour on the last morning meant that the minibus was put to good use for a final tour of the city. Taking every opportunity to make the most of their trip, there was just time to stop and visit an ancient burial mound, a farm shop and Marlborough College on the way back to Lambrook, where pupils arrived in plenty of time for lunch and their Wednesday afternoon fixtures.

A highlight for me was just getting to spend this time with our Year 8 Group. We have had such a lovely experience together, from spending ages in the beautiful Topping Book Shop to playing cricket in the evenings, I will definitely always remember this trip!”Year 8 Pupil

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