Lambrook has a truly inspirational staff team who not only know and care for their pupils but are also passionate about their subjects. The aim of the curriculum at Lambrook is to provide pupils with a stimulating and broad education in a nurturing environment; preparing them at every step for the challenges that they will face both now and also in the next stage of their educational journey.
The curriculum is broad and includes English, Maths, French, Science, Latin, Greek, History, Geography, ICT, Art, Design & Technology, Drama, Music, RS, PE, Swimming and Games.
We are extremely proud of the academic successes of our pupils throughout their time with us. As well as thriving outside of the classroom, last year our scholarship pupils were awarded academic, music and sport scholarships for excellence in these fields, with pupils going on to, and excelling at many of the top senior schools in the country including:
Bradfield / Brighton / Bryanston / Charterhouse / Cranleigh / Downe House / Eton / Harrow / Marlborough / Oundle / Radley / Rugby / Shrewsbury / St George’s Ascot / St George’s Weybridge / St Mary’s Ascot / St Edward’s Oxford / Tonbridge / Wellington / Wycombe Abbey
Our Headmaster and Senior Leadership Team start to meet with parents from Years 5 and 6 to discuss the best options and fit for the next stage in their child’s education. The School identifies potential scholars in Year 7 and they are taught as a group in Year 8.
Lambrook’s Common Entrance 100% pass rate success continues and Lambrook is fortunate to enjoy excellent relationships with many top Senior Schools; Heads of those schools often visit Lambrook as guest speakers for our events and Chapel services. This, coupled with our teachers’ knowledge of those schools and experience of the requirements needed for the next step, means that all of our Year 8 pupils leave us incredibly well prepared, confident and ready to fly.
The Learning Development Centre
The Learning Development Centre exists to help pupils to become independent, happy and motivated members of Lambrook through building self esteem, self worth and confidence, in the school environment and beyond. Lessons are arranged individually for Literacy, Numeracy, Study Skills and English as an Additional Language.
Lambrook also undertakes testing to identify needs and determine if further professional involvement is necessary. The school works with Educational Psychologists, Speech Therapists, Occupational Therapists and other outside professionals and liaises closely with class teachers and parents throughout the process.